Monday, May 6, 2013

Choosing balance

For a few months now I have been practicing a self-reflection every night before I go to bed. I literally run through the day in my mind and reflect on who I chose to be in the defining moments of the day. It has allowed me to create a greater self-awareness. I am becoming clearer on the difference between my truth and my ego. One of the things that I originally noticed in my self-reflection is that I was rarely making time for myself to be alone. In the off-chance that I was at home on my own, I typically was doing something to increase productivity: trying to plant as many micro-greens as possible, clearing out my closet, creating vision boards, getting ahead on work at home... all while having the music turned up really loud! No wonder I was been feeling out of balance, I was also in a period of professional and personal transition. All of the projects that I had taken on, even using my new ice-cream maker, had turned into a checklist that needed to be done out of necessity rather than recreation. After playing around with my schedule and trying new techniques to create balance, I realized that balance is a choice in every moment. It is never going to just happen. 

We often think that balance is something we achieve by moving through periods of chaos. We will reach balance when we get to the other side. Have you ever thought when I get past this work, through this testing time in relationship, you would magically find balance? This turns out to be untrue. When we free time up someplace, we quickly run to find something new to fill up with. It is part of how we are programmed. Turning on my self-awareness was the first step to creating balance. I noticed that I quickly fill up my plate when a portion empties because I feel like there are so many things that need to be accomplished. When I realized that I was getting a lot done, but the quality of my life and relationships was suffering, I took a step back to reflect on the bigger picture. I took a stand for my relationships and knew that the way I was living was not sustainable and was not benefitting anyone that really mattered to me. I committed myself to holding space for quality conversations over the phone and in person, even if I was not able to see friends and family as often as I used too. 

The second step was choosing balance in every moment. There will be days where there is nothing to do but relax, but there will also be those 14 hour days spent in anxiety and frustration. In every single moment, you are in choice about what you need to create balance within yourself in that moment. You can feel in your body what it means to be spread to thin, or overwhelmed. If you come back to your truest intention- happiness, self-love and BALANCE, you can turn on big-picture thinking and let go of the details of the moment. You turn on your ability to say no, to put things down and take a breath.

We also must realize that balance is never going to just happen. I challenge you to shift your perspective in your life right now. Focus in on what is truly important to you, and you will see those areas of your life grow. Know and believe that it is possible to get things done and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and others, and then you will see the idea come to fruition. 

It is a constant battle, you go into the hole and you climb your way out, then you slip back in and crawl out. Human beings were not created for the stresses of our moden day life. Choosing balance is so important to our health and well-being. The cose of not choosing balance is your health! When we get ill, it is triggered by an emotional or spiritual stressor. Stress weakens your immune system and literally creates negativity in your body, which creates space for illness to attack. Eliminating the attachments we have to negativity, frees up space and possibility. It will alleviate and prevent health issues.

In every moment you must choose balance. Only you know what creates fulfillment and abundance in your life, it is your responsibility to live into those measurements.