Monday, June 29, 2015

The Importance of Our Work

These are heartbreaking times. Passage of the TPP, consideration of the DARK Act and the numerous additional let-downs from our legislature can lead us down a road of despair.

As activists it's okay to get frustrated, but I beg of you- don't react.

Personally, I wonder how can the people of this country be more interested in Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new baby name than the depletion of healthy soil on our planet? Even with my beloved friends and family, I become upset when my observations don't propel them into action the way I wish it would.

There are a couple of things that I have learned from all of this and I would love to share them with you.

1. Anger accomplishes nothing other than making you feel worse.
Take the time to turn anger and frustration into empathy and understanding. Dig deeper to the human core of the issue, why are these people making decisions like this? Take our politicians off of the capital and look at them instead as a brother or sister who has let you down. Anger will fuel both of your fires to continue animosity, leaving no other solution than " death" for the opponent. Disappointment and empathy leave room for forgiveness and change. Give these folks- even your greatest enemy- the opportunity to be the good and relinquish them from their mistakes. The truth is that we have all made mistakes that in one point in time may have seemed unforgivable, but when we don't forgive the seed of poison grows into a tree of poison in your body that will diminish your capacity to feel anything but anger (which is only fear with a mask). Cut the negativity and be solutions focused.

2. Focus on the people closest and most like minded to you.
Why bother trying to convince people who aren't ready? Sometimes you have to step in closer to take a look away from the big picture so that you don't miss the magical connections and relationships happening right in front of you. What originally connects us may be a common cause, but what keeps us is love. It is a gift to be able to fInd people you can be authentic and truly yourself with, cherish that.

3. Don't lose sight of the small victories, in the end the results are up to you.
Trying to make the entire world a better place is a daunting task. Think about how different we all are and how differently we perceive the world around us. When we are able to positively impact one person around us, we both win. When we are positively impacted by someone, it works the same way.  We move with integrity and honesty and hope to influence through those means. You win, in the end you win because you are and were a good person. This is how we really change the world, through one person at a time.

4. It's ok to back off, take a break, even quit, but don't stop being you.
When you feel defeated, it is ok to let go for a while or even completely. The weight of the world is not your burden to carry. What is your responsibility is you. You know when your are living out your values and when you are not. By being you and living into your beliefs, you are elevating the world. That is enough and it is all that can be asked of you. Anything else is optional, don't worry about expectations or perceptions. We need to focus on ourselves as much as we focus on others, always coming from a place of compassion.

5. You are amazing.
The fact that you are aware of the issues and feel something about them is a gift. Don't lose that, but don't let it overwhelm you. Remember that you get to choose, because being sensitive can be a blessing or you could make it a curse.

In love & light,

Ghandi's memorial in Delhi, India. May we be a part of the peaceful resistance.

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