Monday, November 9, 2015

What Breeds Creativity?

Be on a mission of thoughtful fun, positive impact and healing. 

Money doesn't breed creativity or inginuity, challenge does. 

I just signed up for the Permaculture Design Program through Oregon State University.  This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while, but put off out of laziness and fear. When my guy gave me the final OK that I needed to click enroll, I did!  It has taken a series of events and experiences to get me to this point where I realize the need and desire for change in our society. I have realized my gifts: helping things grow, observing and respecting the ways of nature & the desire to share the knowledge I obtain and gain.  This path has been challenging but it has been interesting and fulfilling.

My hope is to motivate you to use your creativity and let the journey be fun.  I know in my heart that if we band together and get creative, while we have fun, we can do more than just heal our wounds we can create a whole new sense of existence.

Here's the urgent news: Contrary to what BuzzFeed, Facebook and Instagram might lead you to believe, our planet is in an extreme state of vulnerability.

Here's the good news: We all have a part we can play in the salvation of our planet. Do you know what your gift and purpose to share with the world is?

Over the past 10 years I have been on a path of seeking out social justice and healing the environment.  I have spent many hours traveling and researching the cost of my choices and my lifestyle.  Having seen first-hand the abuse and destruction that companies and practices I previously supported have caused, I can't go back.   You choose in every moment which experience and affect you will have,  so please choose wisely :).

Here are a few baby steps that helped me stay balanced as I chose to embark on this path, because if not done carefully, it can be a slippery slope towards complete denial, anger, anxiety and depression or the worst, hands-up surrender.

  1. Consider your purchases: Think about the systems and conveniences that you use in your life.  Go beyond the purchase and/or use to consider the impact of your choices on the world. This requires you to make an effort. Not a tedious or super time consuming thing, but type into your search engine and see where your products travel from, who is benefitting or being taken advantage of, its really easy to find. 
  2. Make a choice: Things like Amazon Prime, SUVs and plastic single use water bottles might make your life easier in the moment, but what are you really supporting with these choices? Think about the kind of business practices you want to be supporting. Your dollar is your vote! Do you want to support companies that enslave their employees like WalMart? Do you want to be responsible for the deaths of Indian farmers by holding stock in Monsanto and it's many subsidiaries?  Until you know the full story behind your choices, you could be contributing to the breaking down of humanity and destruction of our earth. 
  3. Get creative:  Unless you are an artistic spirit, you probably only get creative when you have to.  This tends to happen when you face a challenge.  What is it going to take for you to believe and feel that we are facing immense challenge?  Creativity is fun and it is what evolved us to the current place where we reside. Many of us live in the convenience of not having to be creative.  Fortunately even if you are having a difficult time with this, the challenge will help you to grow out of your comfort zone. There are thousands of resources out there on how to be resourceful, DIY and creating a sustainable non-toxic homestead.  
  4. Be realistic: Pick three do-able things for you to change, do it and then only IF YOU WANT TO, move on to more. I am not asking you to go crazy. You can't possibly consider every single thing that you do every single day without great effort and practice. BUT YOU CAN start to make small choices. 
  5. Be proud: You are an informed consumer, a responsible human and compassionate leader.   You won't get the same praise you would for a new BMW, Louis Vuitton or 3000 square foot home, but those days are about to change! As we wake up one another to who we really are, and what's really important, your light will shine bright.  You are unique and you are responsible for yourself and for the planet in your own way. You will choose the things that rise to the top of your list and you will take action there.   If we can all do this in some way, we will change the world. 

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