Thursday, December 11, 2014

Finding You.

 "The instinct for spirituality is hardwired in us. This is our fourth instinct, the one beyond the instincts for survival, power and sex. It is a genetically-based, physical instinct that has a metaphysical purpose. It is a natural hunger for supernatural sustenance. It propels us to find the meaning and transcend our mundane selves." - Arianna Huffington

We are spiritual beings. It is hard to deny that humans frequently ponder the questions of "Why are we here? What is our purpose? Is there something greater for us?" Perhaps these questions leave you feeling lost and unsure? If that is the case, you are not alone.  The solution for some is to suppress and ignore the insight all together. There are many who decide this is a much safer path for them. But whether they are aware or not, they are missing out on much, much more.

I think that YOU, however, are on a path to feel and see more.

We are a part and reflection of the source of our creation (that means whatever you believe it to be). We have a choice to explore our minds or to let our minds be influenced by external stimuli. When we elect to learn more, by exploring our minds and by practicing faith we rediscover that though we are small, we are mighty.  We re-learn that we are connected to everyone and everything, expressing our own choice and free will. 

Society lends that self-work and spirituality are "new-age" and spacey, there is much resistance to bringing it to forefront of conversation.  We see now that when we do not choose to honor and learn ourselves, we become very vulnerable physical world temptations. When we are out of touch with ourselves, we are out of touch with others. Being out of touch with ourselves and others leads to a power struggle. We see people seeking control by manipulating and betraying others, the needs for materials and the drive for self-gratification. This is a road full of detours that leads even further away from our core and nearer to great unhappiness, reactivity and confusion (the sense of all bad things happen to me in this world and the world is out to get me). 

Rather than fight the problem, let's live the solution. Consider the moments when you begin to feel your best down in your core. It might be times spent in nature, hiking, practicing yoga, running, stillness, silence, meditation, singing, laughing, making love or serving one another. How much time do you actually spend doing these things? If we know they make us feel so good, could we do more of it?  

When we become aware of ourselves we become aware of others. We realize that our friends, lovers, neighbors and enemies are the same as we are, spiritual beings going through the human experience. 

We re-realize that what matters most is compassion, empathy, and unconditional love. I say re-realize because when we are small children, we know these simple things are true. Compassion, empathy and unconditional love are divine way of being.

Somewhere along the way someone shouts at us not to touch that, don't do this and instill the onset of fear creation. As adults, we have created many self-defense mechanisms for dealing with uncertainty and pain. In turn, we disconnect from our purest, child-like -arguably- wisest selves.  

Here are 7 things you can do to mentally declutter and get clear. 

1. Embrace time. 
Learn to love the present moment and stop complaining that you don't have enough of it. Time is a gift, start treating it that way. 

2. Meditation. 
It may not be sitting on a cushion for 2 hours a day letting thoughts fly away, but it could be. If that doesn't work for you, go for a walk, slow down.  Let yourself daydream and imagine. 

3. Practice Self-Love. 
Even if you don't believe it yet, fake it. Tell yourself, you are special, you are enough and you have purpose. Let that be your guiding light in all moments, especially the moments of uncertainty. 

4. Love Others. 
Learn from your pets, learn from children, get closer to the unconditional love you used to know. Practice empathizing with people who cause you frustration and pain. Think about how much pain they are in,  how lost and confused they must be and it will certainly change your perspective on things. 

5. Practice Yoga. 
Yoga helps you to strengthen your awareness, first physically, and eventually mentally and spiritually. Yoga helps to discipline your mind, and it trains your nervous system so it’s easier for you to process spiritual energy.

6. Laugh and Cry Often.
Laughing and crying allow us to move stagnant energy throughout our bodies, they have a theraputic and transformative quality that enable us to purify, heal and remove blockages. They bring us to the present moment and allow us to more easily tap into spiritual energies.

7. The hardest one... Don't Fear Death.
Though we may not concsiously be aware of the daily implications of fear of dying, fear of dying is actually a fear of living. With living comes certain physical death. The spirit never dies, believe that. You are whole, good and clean and have no reason to fear the great next step. 

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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