Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sharing a part of my story.

“Our life is a manifestation, and we can very well make that manifestation beautiful and meaningful and have a good influence.” Thich Nhat Hanh

If you believe something with absolute certainty, there is no doubt in the universe, it's going to happen. Whether that is good or bad. 

Most of the things that I have and have done were brought forth by manifestation. It all started with the idea of intention setting in a yoga class. We can set an intention for anything that we do, this really means making a request out of what you want to get or give, from the practice, why you are practicing or how you want to feel during and after.

I want to share my abbreviated story of manifestation and freedom with you.

What happened: 
Since that start of my yoga journey in 2006, I had heard a lot about getting clear on what I wanted, intention setting, feeling my way through rather than thinking etc. I had no idea how to implement these changes, until suddenly a great shift occurred.

In 2013 I hated my job. It was toxic to my relationship with my friends, my family and ultimately myself. In May of 2013, while on my way to work, I totaled my car. I literally did not have a way to get to my job that I hated anymore. That was the most impossible to ignore sign from the universe that it was time to end that phase of my life.  This was the first time I listened to a sign that had been sent to me, and believed that it was intentionally placed in my way.

What I learned: 
If you do not learn a lesson, it will come up again and again and again until you learn what you are supposed to from it. Wake up, listen up! What is your body and the world around you trying to tell you?!

What happened next:
I collected unemployment for a while, and was blessed with my savings and a more than patient, loving boyfriend who allowed me some time to get clear and figure out what I wanted to do.  I was already teaching a few yoga classes here and there, but because I was in the wrong state of mind (competition driven to get ahead) it had not become fruitful enough by itself.

What I did about it: 
I started to do a lot more reading and self-exploration in this time. I decided that I wanted to pursue the career of teaching yoga full-time and that I wanted to LOVE it. I had to determine what was my definition of success, turns out it is to feel comfortable and happy.

Every day I woke up and I thanked the universe for giving me the opportunity to begin again, and for giving me the opportunities I had to teach, and giving me the students that I had recieved. I did that again every night as I laid in bed. I reflected on how blessed I was to have that day, and closed it in gratitude (I still do this).

I made a vision board, I had done these for fun in the past, but it was mostly because I liked to make collages. Now I had an intention and a desired reason behind what I was doing. I was getting clear on the life that I wanted to build and decided what I wanted for myself, my relationship and ultimately the community that I was serving. At this time I wasn't sure if it would actually work, but I figured that I would see what happened if I could convince myself that I believed it whole-heartedly. Eventually the convincing didn't need to happen anymore, I had unwaivering faith that this was the life I was creating.

I dropped the fear (knowing that this was toxic through the research and self-work I had already done) and started to practice the law of abundance.

Most people live in fear of losing out their entire lives, and this is what actually prevents them from being free and "successful".

Losing the fear: 

  • I stopped comparing how many students were in my class vs. my fellow teachers, instead I replaced those feelings with celebration for my yoga teaching friends. I felt proud and happy for them. 
  • I stopped feeling insecure when students chose another instructors class vs. mine, I did not take it personally like I had in the past. I realized I may not be a good fit, or it simply might be the time, but I was truly happy that they were getting their yoga in. 
  • I STOPPED TRYING TO PLEASE EVERYONE AND DID WHAT FELT RIGHT. This is huge, especially if you are a business owner or in service. Stay true to what you love and you will be successful, don't veer from your path despite feedback that feels painful or urgent. Sit on it, feel through it and decide if it is valuable or not. 

Reading this may make it seem like this is a practice that is quite simple to do, it is not.
Our human nature is to live from the ego and live in fight or flight and to have the most materials for security.Our DIVINE nature, is to NOT do that. It takes time, trust, desire and faith. Be patient with yourself if you are trying to develop this practice.

After a few months, when I felt confident, sure and faithful in my path, I suddenly started getting inquiries for teaching privates and for teaching more classes at other studios! I had to stay true again, knowing that some of these offers were tests, would I choose the financial security and get back into the game, or would I continue on what I felt was right? I didn't take all of the opportunities regardless of how tempted I may have been. I only took the ones that were helping me on my path and felt natural.

After establishing my yoga career and realizing that I could do it.  I started to play around with new ventures. I did this with my travel business and activist work.

I am telling you 100% it works!

I stand behind what I do, I know that it is isn't for everyone but it is for someone. If you haven't heard of the 80/20 principle, check it out. SO TRUE.

Think for a moment about how you can apply these principles uniquely to your own life. We should be setting intentions for everything we do. When we wish for things to be fruitful and for them to turn out well, there is a much higher likelihood for this to happen.


If you are having a hard time identifying where you are at, take a break. You need time out of your routine and for yourself, so that you can see clearly what is causing most of your stress, anxiety and uncertainty.

I love to travel, and I want to help others experience the same joy and enlightenment that I have through traveling. But I realize that not everyone can pack up and go abroad. Perhaps take a weekend trip or call out sick one day and go some place that makes you feel calm and connected to something bigger.

Travel is what has allowed me to identify areas of my life that were no longer serving me. When you travel or take a time out, you are able to look at your life as an observer, you are also able to see clearly how you might be doing things in a less than optimal manner.

Our thoughts become reality. Remember that to every cell in your body, YOU ARE GOD,  and that you get to be a loving God or a cruel one, you determine your own confidence, self-esteem, body image, and ultimately value. Choose good things to say about yourself, make mentally healthy choices. Get clear on what makes you feel fulfilled and happy. Do more of those and less of the other bullshit.


Be you. You are special. You are unique. You have a role and a purpose in this universe.

Your body's inherent wisdom knows all of that. The universe knows it too. They are connected.

Establish that you know this, realize what you want and why.

If you start listening more closely, you realize that you are being guided every step of the way.

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