Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Love like a child

Have you ever taken the time to watch the way a child loves and thanks – without filters or reservations? Do you love humans unconditionally? Or do you only show love when it feels safe or self-rewarding?

I am so blessed to have two amazing younger brothers. I was recently recalling one occasion when I was helping my mother out by putting the one of my brothers to sleep. I laid next to him in his race car bed and pretended to shut my eyes. He pulled the blanket over me and started to scratch my back.

I had just missed his birthday party and forgot his present at home. I felt like the shittiest big sister ever because I was so caught up in work and my own life, that I couldn't remember a very important date for him. Okay- yes it was adorable and I started to laugh but it got me thinking. He had already forgotten that I forgot. I was still holding on to my story that I was a shitty sister and he was just glad to have me there, he was grateful and loving. Something that I thought I should learn a lot from. 

How to practice love & gratitude:

It is difficult to love humanity unconditionally when someone cuts you off in the parking lot, I understand! In this moment of choice- I challenge you to shift your perspective and practice love and gratitude. Practicing thanks will relieve your stress and emotion, as well as open doors for new possibility. Where you once would be quick to roll your eyes at the woman who cuts you off at the coffee shop- you leave feeling grateful and enlightened. Imagine the last time that something like this happened to you. Did you take that interaction, interpret it as a negative and carry that load with you all day? It probably tainted your work day, then you were crabby when you came home and then you probably told a couple of friends or family members. Imagine what energy you could have saved and created, if you were to let it go, choosing love and kindness over reciprocation.

When a scenario like this takes place, take a deep breath, send a positive thought and move on. 

After consciously practicing this for a while (always still a work in progress). I think to myself in these sort of situations what could be going on in their life? Who am I to judge what has brought them to this action? Are they aware of the consequences their actions will have? People have circumstances that land them in these scenarios every day. One behavior is not a reflection of a person's true being. We have all been on the other side of the fence, would you want that to be the moment that your character was judged? 

The truth is that you get to decide what the outcome will be. You can either choose to be in reaction or choose love and gratitude. The universe will reward those that choose gratitude. Children often use it in a positive manner and realize that human interaction/relationship is our purpose in this world, we should be trying to make people happy and feel valued all of the time! For children there is no thought to prior experiences, no stories they create, just seeing emotion and resolving it for better.

Once, we were children too. Now, tainted by the values of our society we have layers and layers of crap that prevent us from truly showing our soul and intention to one another. Through the practice of gratitude, and choosing who you will be in every single moment, you can slowly start to peel back the layers. It will leave you feeling free, light and of limitless potential.

“Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.” 

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