Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity...” 
― John Muir

You are hard pressed to walk anywhere today and find someone without a smart phone.  Though these technologies have allowed us to "simplify processes", they may actually have only made other systems more complex. A lot of social anxiety and depression is propelled by the ability to live life through a screen. People become attached to material things, and their true purpose of being gets blurred. Clarity and serenity are only available when we are able to practice gratitude. What better a place to practice gratitude than towards our earth- the endless supply of water, oxygen and food that we have been so graciously provided with. Slowing down and spending time outdoors is the invaluable solution to most of the stresses that we endure. 
There are many things that we can do for our health, but I believe the physical falls after the spiritual. For me the spiritual begins with the outdoors. There is no denying that there is a greater purpose, after taking in the intricate beauty and magnificence of the outdoors. The very best thing that we can do for our health and happiness is to have an intimate relationship with nature.  
I was recently told by a friend that I was a conduit for mother earth, that she was going to use me to deliver messages. It sounds far fetched, but regardless of whether or not it is true, me believing this only contributes to the greater good. Mostly, for this reason, I began writing in my blog again. Teaching yoga and spreading word about my passion for the outdoors is allowing these messages to come to fruition. I wouldn't really have anything good to say if it weren't for this strong connection that I feel. I am able to grow the connection by spending as much time as possible outside. 
I am inspired by teachers like Eoin Finn from the Blissology Project (, I know that I echo his sentiments after reading his most recent blog post. I want to share the love we (and many others) have found with everyone! Being submerged in nature allows doors to open and closes doors that we want to stay shut.
Cliche- but being one with the universe, allowing yourself to be supported and acknowledging our earth for that support is one of the most powerful things that we can bring awareness to. As soon as we begin to practice this gratitude, the "how lucky am I to be alive amidst this beauty?!" attitude begins to seep into the other areas of your life. You will find balance, energy and peace from within. You will learn that you don't need anything else to satisfy the ego, you are as you are on this earth and that is awesome. 

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