Friday, April 5, 2013

Power of Your Word

I have been thinking a lot about our words and how we use them to create pain, joy, confusion, clarity... The list goes on and on. I have gathered the many words and thoughts in my head and narrowed it down to these laws that I have consciously put into my verbal practice. These rules are influenced by my encounters with religion, spirituality and philosophy. Have a read and word me what you think.

Less is more.

Our words are like a muscle, they must be maintained and exercised to function correctly. If we overwork them, we will exhaust them, if we do not use them enough they will be equally as weak. When we are speaking, we must speak with intention. The more words we use the less powerful our point becomes. It takes practice to be a concise speaker, but a practice well worth it. Being concise will make you a clear communicator and quickly elevate relationships in your life. 

Being concise does not mean hold back. Our words allow us to connect to one-another. Be generous with your words, sharing thoughts and asking questions.  We must learn the balance, when to speak and when to listen. Equally as important, we must learn when we are preventing people from listening because our communication is unclear, jumbled and past the listener's attention span. 

Honor your word.

Regardless of status, our word is all we truly have. When you do not honor your word it loses it's power. Example: you tell someone you will arrive at 7PM, continually you are 15 minutes late.

It seems like a minor detail, but eventually people begin to lose faith in your word. Your track record shows that you never do what you say you will, by when you say you will do it. You will likely notice that if you are this person, you show up late for most events and you are quick to call cancellations. Is it any wonder that you are not the first person they call when they need someone that they can rely on? You have not given them reason to believe you otherwise, creating more work to build trust and gain power back to their interpretation of your word. 

If you continually honor your word you will find that you are automatically trusted and respected by those close to you without having to fight for it. 

Speak power into your life.

In personal dialogue we have the ability to speak power into our lives.  It is possible to move the mountains in your life by commanding that they be removed. What does this mean? It means that you are taking back the control over situations that you have allowed to control you. You give them new meaning and look at it as an opportunity to shift towards a positive, happiness-based perspective.

For instance, you lose your job. You could do one of two things, throw a pity party, or say: GREAT! now I have the opportunity to search for a new career in something that truly interests me! 
You can turn any bad trial into triumph by speaking words of optimism and encouragement to yourself and to the ones around you. 

In normal conversation, be clear in what you are trying to communicate. You could explain why you were late in 50 sentences or you could say I messed up I am late. Saving you time, energy and face... because you also took responsibility.

In relationships and career- be candid, clear and honest! Honor your word, do what you say you are going to do when you say you will do it!

Speak power into your life, set goals! Success is always the result of opportunity meeting preparation! Work towards your goals and speak about them out loud. Put it into to the universe and watch what will happen.

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